Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Rev. Fr. Ian Figueiredo, Provincial of the Salesian Province of Panjim-Konkan visited our institution on February 25th 2012.  During the school assembly, he urged the students to dream big dreams and work hard to make them come true. 

He further held a conference for the management and the school staff, outlining lucidly and emphatically the Child Protection Policy to be followed in our Salesian institutions.

Monday, 27 February 2012


At the close of the academic year, the outgoing students of Std. XII and X were given a fond and fitting farewell by their teachers and juniors.



They participated in a solemn holy mass seeking the blessings of God on their life’s aspirations.

In an impressive ceremony, the school leaders then handed over their flags, sashes and badges to the Headmaster, Fr. Anisio Mota. 

The cultural programme staged for their benefit was followed by party games and refreshments for all.


On 13th February 2012, students of Pope John XXIII Higher Secondary and their parents were witness to a “mock trial” conducted by the Free Legal Aid Cell of V. M. Salgaoncar College of Law, Miramar. An accident case was taken up, through which the audience was given an idea of normal court proceedings and various legal terms and roles.

The resource persons also explained to the students the wide range of career opportunities in Law. The programme was coordinated by Ms. Sharmila Da Costa and Mrs. Raziya Fernandes, while Miss Shuble Fernandes proposed the vote of thanks.



The Annual Day of Pope John XXIII Educational Complex was held on February 4th 2012, with Shri Anil V. Powar, Director of Education, Goa as Chief Guest.

Through colourful depictions of its occupations, customs and traditions, the students vividly brought out the theme of the day: Goa - Land of Culture and Harmony.


Enthralled by their performances, the Chief Guest was led down memory lane, reminiscing about his childhood and the serenity of traditional Goa. He also presented the annual scholarships and awards to the winners who received them with pride and joy on their faces.


Kudos to our staff members for the excellent training imparted to the students!

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


On 23rd January 2012 a seminar on Tobacco-free Schools was organized for the students of the higher secondary section by Mrs. Albertina Joseph. 

The resource person for the day was Mrs. Vedita Hedge Dessai, Associate Professor at Goa College of Pharmacy. The students listened with rapt attention as she explained very lucidly and forcefully the harm that cigarette-smoking causes to our health.